Mer (Light) Ka (Spirit) Ba (Body)

Daily Affirmation/Intention

My Intention for today is:

Big dreams
Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push your whole world forward.
Expect great and wonderful and magnificent things in your life. For what you expect, you experience.
Fulfillment is always yours to create in your own unique way. Joy is always yours to live and to give.
The only limitation on life's richness is what you choose to imagine. So imagine a life that is filled with meaning in every moment, and then allow yourself to experience it all.
Within you is a spirit that can easily overwhelm any external factor. Touch the depth of that spirit and set it free to positively transform your world right now.
Envision that you feel the best you can possibly feel in this moment, and give that vision life right now. Fully enjoy and fulfill the beautiful, unique person you are.
-- Ralph Marston


Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara
“Let peace be our rallying call and compassion be our armor.”

Angel of Wealth

Angel of Wealth
I intend that I am living in grace and gratitude.


Remembering the ways of Old.....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Remember 2

You dear sweet one, "my lotus flower", you are mine to protect, to honor, to assist. We go back many, many lifetimes ago. I laugh when I watch you in your human ways. I often ask "why have you chosen the path of human?" So it your experience, so be it. I come to you now to remind you of your lineage-your heritage. Do you remember me my sister? You walk with me in the underworld gathering those souls for rebirth. I sit and gaze at you remembering our ancient true reality, not ancient at all. We meet in the place of no time & space, back in our true existence of be-ing. There are no misunderstandings or barriers between us in this place.. I long to be with you again in the temples of our world. Do you remember your gifts? You can make fire in the palms of your hands & bring life from death. You are a "physician", in your human term. You are a teacher, you are loved by many. Remember sweet one who you are, you can bring anything to pass that your heart so desires.
I come to many now. The creators and their off-spring have caused much havoc on earth planet, time to regain your power to be free, liberated at last. You, and many others are coming into remembrance sweet one, do not doubt and push away. I Am helping in this process. Pay close attention to your dreams & thoughts. These are bits & pieces of your lives. The veil is so thin now that these pieces are coming together in the "one". Do not resist this, for it will simply cause pain and slow your growth. Your true be-ing is Angelic/Cosmic, remember this and take back your power. Anubis will be sent to you again, for he watches over you in many ways. Welcome Anubis in the ancient way.
My love for you is bittersweet, you chose a different path, I did not want you to. You are of a world I cannot exist in. I cannot feel you, touch you, kiss you. But I can still speak to your heart. Allow me to guide you through the next 7 earth years. Call on me always for assistance, I am never far from you my lotus flower.
I embrace you now with Love.
The Fiery One ~ Horus

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