Mer (Light) Ka (Spirit) Ba (Body)

Daily Affirmation/Intention

My Intention for today is:

Big dreams
Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push your whole world forward.
Expect great and wonderful and magnificent things in your life. For what you expect, you experience.
Fulfillment is always yours to create in your own unique way. Joy is always yours to live and to give.
The only limitation on life's richness is what you choose to imagine. So imagine a life that is filled with meaning in every moment, and then allow yourself to experience it all.
Within you is a spirit that can easily overwhelm any external factor. Touch the depth of that spirit and set it free to positively transform your world right now.
Envision that you feel the best you can possibly feel in this moment, and give that vision life right now. Fully enjoy and fulfill the beautiful, unique person you are.
-- Ralph Marston


Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara
“Let peace be our rallying call and compassion be our armor.”

Angel of Wealth

Angel of Wealth
I intend that I am living in grace and gratitude.


Remembering the ways of Old.....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Full Moon Abundance Spell

As we enter into the first Full Moon of Spring in the month of April (4/9) , the first astro sign of the Horoscope (new beginnings), it also falls on a Thursday, otherwise known as Jupiter Day (the planet of abundance). The land, animals, plants & just nature in general become fertile with new birth. Scents, color & chirping pleasureably fill the air and make us feel enlivened and refreshed. This is a time for nurturing our desires and fulfilling our dreams.
The Abundance spell below is to be performed on the Full Moon well before 9:45pm (moon goes v/c at 9:45pm) or after 10pm.

You will need a green, (or white if you don't have green) candle. Don't forget matches & a safe dish to place your candle on.

Consecrate your candle, then take a toothpick or other sharp wooden object and write from top to bottom and in a clockwise motion, your request. Be specific.

Again, moving in a clockwise motion annoint your candle with Prosperity Oil. If you do not have prosperity oil, you can substitute with Bayberry, Rue, Patchouli or Frankencense. And, if you don't have any of these, don't fret, your intention is all that you really need.

Whether you will perform your ritual indoors or outdoors is completely up to you.
Open your circle and begin by facing the North. Invoke & give thanks to the direction of the North & the Keepers of the North & the Element of Earth,
Rotate and face the East, Invoke & give thanks to the direction of the East & the Keepers of the East & the Element of Air
Rotate and face the South, do the same as for the North & East, & calling in the Element of Fire
Rotate and face the West, do the same & calling in the Element of Water

Ask the Directions, Keepers & Elements to provide you with protection, and assistance with your request.

Settle in, take a few slow deep breaths, clear your mind of mundane chatter and focus intently on your request, then light your candle.

With Love & Grattitude call upon Barbelo, the Angel of Abundance for assistance and say the following:

Heavenly Angel Barbelo, I lovingly & humbly ask you for assistance. Please see that my request is carried into the Universe and dispersed amongst the stars, the Ancient Ones & the fibers of All that Is. Then chant the following 3x:

I am one with the Divine Presence.

I am one with abundance & wealth in my conscious & subconscious mind, and my 4-body system.

I am one with ALL things.

It is my inheritance to be joyful, healthy, prosperous, peaceful & successful in all that I do.

Unlimited Prosperity & Abundance flow easily, freely, effortlessly & endlessly to me with excess to spare & excess to share. For my highest good, greatest joy & for the highest good of all.

This I claim 3x3. So be it. So mote it be.

Sit quitely for awhile intently focused on your request, visualizing it coming to fruition. Intuitively, you will know when to close your circle. You can snuff out your candle at this time or allow it to burn completely. Please make sure if you allow your candle to burn through its in a safe place. Any left over wax or wick should be buried in Mother Earth. Always remember when closing to give grattitude to the four Directions, Keepers, Elements, Angels and whomever else you call in for assistance. Stand facing the North and close each Direction in reverse motion. Then give no more thought to your request, but be in a state of faith and knowingness that all things come to pass in Divine order & timing for our highest good & the highest good of all.

Blessings of Abundance & Well-Being to all on this Full Moon of New Beginnings

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