Mer (Light) Ka (Spirit) Ba (Body)

Daily Affirmation/Intention

My Intention for today is:

Big dreams
Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power to push your whole world forward.
Expect great and wonderful and magnificent things in your life. For what you expect, you experience.
Fulfillment is always yours to create in your own unique way. Joy is always yours to live and to give.
The only limitation on life's richness is what you choose to imagine. So imagine a life that is filled with meaning in every moment, and then allow yourself to experience it all.
Within you is a spirit that can easily overwhelm any external factor. Touch the depth of that spirit and set it free to positively transform your world right now.
Envision that you feel the best you can possibly feel in this moment, and give that vision life right now. Fully enjoy and fulfill the beautiful, unique person you are.
-- Ralph Marston


Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara
“Let peace be our rallying call and compassion be our armor.”

Angel of Wealth

Angel of Wealth
I intend that I am living in grace and gratitude.


Remembering the ways of Old.....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Clearing Our Relationship with Money

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

In the beginning, our Father-Mother God gave us everything we needed to easily sustain our physical bodies during our Earthly sojourn. We were given the radiance of the Sun, fresh air, water, food and materials from which to build shelters and make clothing for ourselves. The Divine Intent was for our physical needs to be taken care of so that we could focus on using our gift of free will and our creative faculties of thought and feeling to learn to cocreate the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God in the physical plane.

It was never the Divine Plan that we struggle from morning until night in mundane jobs just to put food on the table and supply the needs of our physical bodies. That, in fact, is a gross distortion of the original Divine Plan for this planet, and it is a cumbersome distraction from our purpose and reason for being in this school of learning.
After the “fall,” we lost awareness of our Divine Heritage and the fact that we are Children of God. As we descended into denser and denser frequencies of our own human miscreations, we were unable to hear the guidance of our I AM Presence, which we now refer to as “the still small voice within.” To compensate for that void in our lives, we developed our fragmented, fear-based human egos. We gave our power away to this mutated aspect of ourselves and allowed it to manipulate us into believing that we are just our physical bodies and that the physical plane is all that exists.
With that distorted perception, we started believing in lack and limitation. We forgot that we are cocreating this reality and that the unformed primal Light that comprises every particle of Life in the physical plane is limitless. We forgot about the infinite abundance of God, and we started fearing for our very survival. We became afraid that there was not going to be enough of the necessities of life in order for everyone to live in comfort and peace.
We began hoarding the things we needed to sustain our physical bodies which, in turn, blocked the flow of God’s infinite abundance. We are cocreators with our Father-Mother God, so when our fear-based thoughts and feelings reflected on the elemental substance of the Earth, we started experiencing inclement weather conditions which resulted in floods, droughts, famines, plagues and pestilence. When that happened, we were catapulted into a vicious circle. The more we hoarded the things we needed to survive, the less the necessities of life were made available to us and the more afraid we became.
We developed a consciousness of greed and selfishness, which we believed was necessary in order to survive. We started fighting with each other over land, food, water and material things. Eventually we created a monetary system to barter for the very things God had freely given to each of us. As the confusion and chaos built in momentum, our human egos coerced us into believing that whatever we needed to do to survive was appropriate, even if it meant lying, stealing, cheating or killing.
As we witness the meltdown of the global economy, we can clearly see the evidence of this tragic situation everywhere we look. Practically every malady manifesting on Earth can be traced back to the fear-based consciousness of lack and limitation. That is true whether we are talking about the corruption, violence and moral depravity in governments, the military, financial institutions, corporations, the medical, insurance and pharmaceutical industries, religious organizations, educational institutions, some profit and nonprofit organizations or the private sector and individuals.
Our ego-based fear for survival infuses Humanity with a willingness to do whatever it takes to get what we want. For aeons of time, people have continually acted out of the distorted perception of lack and limitation. As a result of that illusion, people everywhere are writhing in the pain and suffering our human egos perpetuated by entrapping us in poverty consciousness.
It is time for us to take back the power our human egos have usurped from us, and it is time for us to give our I AM Presence full dominion of our lives. We have the ability to reclaim our Divine Heritage and to restore the limitless flow of God’s abundance. Never has it been more important for us to do so.
As the Light of God increases on Earth and the negativity that conflicts with that Light is pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed, we are seeing the global economy reel on the shifting sands of corruption and greed. From outer appearances, it looks like the economy is headed for total collapse, but, in fact, this is the darkness before the dawn.
The purging that is taking place in the economic world is a necessary part of the healing process. The old-age archetypes of greed, selfishness, corruption and moral depravity are being exposed and shattered in order to clear the way for the new archetypes of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace. Those who are willing to attain their wealth by harming another part of Life are doomed to failure. Whether they are hurting people or polluting the Earth, their nefarious efforts are being exposed in the radiant Light of Divine Truth.

The dog-eat-dog, looking-out-for-number-one selfishness that has been so prevalent over the years cannot be sustained now that the new archetypes are in place. This is the time that has been prophesied when “All that is hidden must now be revealed.” The clandestine schemes of deception and dishonesty that have trapped the multitudes in a web of poverty and fear will not be concealed in a cloak of darkness any longer. The elite few who hoard the wealth of the world while millions live in hunger, disease and squalor will no longer succeed in their self-obsessed ventures.
Poverty is a human miscreation, and it was never intended to be part of our Divine Plan. The distorted patterns of lack and limitation are an illusion that we created and that we are sustaining through our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs.
The new archetypes of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace are based on the Divine Truth that GOD IS OUR SUPPLY, not outer world circumstances. Our natural heritage is the continual God supply of all good things. When we remember this Truth, we open our hearts up once again to the limitless flow of God’s abundance.
This unique moment will be recorded in the Golden Book of Life as the time in which the Era of Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance was permanently established on Earth. Just imagine, you and I are physically present to cocreate the events that will lift this planet and all her Life into the Light of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.


In order for us to reclaim our natural Birthright of God’s Infinite Abundance, we need to clear our relationship with money. Since we have chosen to live in a system that uses money as our source of exchange, we need to eliminate our fear of it and realize that money is just a source of energy—period. It is not some awesome entity that comes into our lives to wield its power over us and rule our destinies. It is only because of our fear for survival that we have allowed money to have that kind of control over us.
First of all, we must eliminate poverty consciousness and start functioning with prosperity consciousness. Instead of worrying all of the time about not having enough money, we need to focus on our gratitude for the money we do have. Gratitude is a magnet that brings more of what we are grateful for into our lives.
Every time we spend a penny of our money, whether it is to buy groceries, pay our bills, for entertainment or whatever, we should bless it with gratitude for the service it is providing to us. Then we should let it go freely, knowing that money is just a source of energy and, like ALL energy, it will go out, expand and return to us for more service.
If we send our money forth grudgingly, bemoaning the high cost of living, fearing we won't have enough to cover our expenses, hating to spend it on the necessities of life, we will automatically block the flow of God’s abundance.
The process of developing prosperity consciousness does not mean going out and charging unnecessary things and getting ourselves deeper in debt by spending money we don't have. It does mean, however, that we recognize money is providing a service to us that we should accept with gratitude and appreciation.
As we move forward at warp speed, it is crucial for us to remember that we are responsible for cocreating our own prosperity. We must perpetually ask ourselves, “Is what I AM thinking, saying, feeling or doing adding to my prosperity and prosperity consciousness, or am I blocking my prosperity with fear and poverty consciousness?”
If what we are expressing is reflecting poverty consciousness, then we must ask ourselves, “What do we need to change in order to express prosperity consciousness and open up to God’s flow of abundance right now?” It is imperative that we hold tenaciously to our positive visions and energize them daily with our affirmations and the focus of our attention. We must be deliberate about our wealth. Through persistence, confidence and acceptance we will open our hearts to the God supply of all good things.


The Law of the Circle plays a very important role in our prosperity. The ebb and flow of Life, which is so clearly demonstrated in the Law of the Circle, is a critical factor in order for us to receive God’s flow of limitless abundance. There are many expressions that describe the ebb and flow of our Lifeforce: inbreath and outbreath, radiation and magnetization, giving and receiving, cause and effect, action and reaction, involution and evolution. In order for the Divine Plan to be fulfilled and for us to receive a continual flow of God’s Infinite Abundance, the ebb and flow of our gift of Life must be balanced. If we are receiving more Lifeforce than we are sending out or vice versa, an imbalance is created that blocks the flow.
When we volunteered to embody on Earth to learn how to become cocreators with our Father-Mother God, we agreed that we would cooperate with the Universal Law of the Circle and maintain the balance of our Lifeforce. Our God Parents agreed to provide what we would need to sustain our physical bodies, such as Sunlight, water, fresh air, material for food and shelter and the electronic Light substance that beats our hearts and enables us to live, move, breathe, think and have our Being in the physical plane.
In return, we agreed that we would balance our gift of Life by using our Lifeforce and our creative faculties of thought and feeling to expand the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. We agreed that we would use our gift of free will to observe the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God and then combine those patterns in our own unique ways to create new, previously unknown expressions of Divinity in the world of form. We agreed to send forth our gift of Life in ways that would add to the Light of the world. This is easily done through our expressions of love, reverence for all Life, gratitude, wisdom, abundance, peace, joy and happiness, which bless all Life on Earth.
When we fell into the abyss of our own human miscreations, we forgot about the agreements we made with God. Even though we were still receiving and using all of the gifts of Life our Father-Mother God were providing for us, we were not giving anything back in return. We were not fulfilling our part of the agreement by balancing the gifts of Life we were utilizing by adding to the Light of the world. That self-centered behavior effectively blocked the flow of God’s abundance.
Once our supply was blocked, we fell into the dysfunctional pattern of struggling every day just to make enough money to pay for the things we needed to sustain our physical bodies. Those were the same things that God had already given to us for free. When we expend our time, energy and money to pay for what God has already provided for us, it is like not giving anything back at all to balance our gift of Life. That imbalance trapped us in a mode of stagnation. As a result, we were cast into the paralyzing throes of poverty which only perpetuated our consciousness of lack and limitation.
That perplexing condition is the cause of the poverty we have experienced over many lifetimes, and it is the reason for the financial situations that are affecting the global economy now. The good news is that we created this problem, and we have the power to do something about it. We have the ability to renew our contracts with God and to reclaim our prosperity.All we have to do to renew our contract with God is to begin doing what we agreed to do in the first place. That means that we need to balance the gift of Life we receive and benefit from every day by giving something back in return and expanding the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

That may sound complicated, but it is actually very simple. Anything we do to improve the quality of Life on Earth expands the borders of Divinity and adds to the Light of the world. Whatever we do to bless all Life by sharing our love, reverence, adoration, gratitude, wisdom, abundance, peace, joy and happiness further enhances the creation of Heaven on Earth.There are as many ways to open up to the flow of God’s abundance as there are people on the planet devising ways to balance their gift of Life by sharing their love and appreciation. If we specifically want to increase the abundance of money in our lives, however, there is a very specific process we must follow.


At the present time we use money as our means of exchange, so in order for us to attain prosperity and to become financially free, we need to increase our flow of money. We can easily do that by applying the Universal Law of the Circle. Remember, like attracts like. What we send out in the form of energy expands and returns to us. Money is energy. In order for us to attract more money into our lives, we need to send out money.
Needless to say, we are all sending out tons of money to pay for our bodily needs. The problem is, God already provided those needs to us for free, so that money doesn't count as our balancing gift of appreciation for our Lifeforce. In order to increase our cash flow, we must give money back to God, in appreciation for our gift of Life, to support things over and above what we spend to sustain our physical bodies.
The spiritual key to increasing our cash flow is for us to give a portion of our money away to people who will use it to assist in cocreating Heaven on Earth.

There are myriad ways we can accomplish this. We can give money to people, institutions, organizations, charities, spiritual groups, religious groups, corporations, human- or animal-rights groups, environmental groups, human endeavors associated with science, medicine, research, alternative fuels and energy sources, the arts, education, sustainable development, global peace, justice or to any other person, place, condition or thing that we know is working with reverence for ALL Life and a genuine desire to cocreate the wonders of Heaven on Earth.
The general consensus is that if we give as little as ten percent of our income back to God in appreciation for our gift of Life, we will open up to such an influx of money that we won't be able to handle it all. The attitude and consciousness with which we give our money away is critical to our success. Our money must be freely given away with no strings attached. We cannot expect anything in return from the people or places we give it to other than for them to use the money for the highest good of all concerned and to improve the quality of Life on the planet.
Once we give our money away, it is important for us to acknowledge and accept that, in compliance with the Universal Law of the Circle, the money will expand and return to us through the God supply of all good things.
The reason we need to consciously affirm the return of our money is because we have forgotten that money is a form of energy which should have been going out and returning to us all along. We have just been blocking that natural process with our poverty consciousness.

Through the distorted perception of our human egos we have developed the expectation that money goes out but that it never comes back. By affirming our Divine Birthright and decreeing to accept God’s limitless flow of abundance, we reprogram ourselves to expect prosperity. We can start by claiming a tenfold return of our gift, but in Truth, there is no limit to the return we can expect. When we state the following decree with deep feeling, we affirm our gift of love and appreciation and claim God’s flow of abundance on the return current.


I AM giving __($100.00)__ back to God in love and appreciation for my gift of Life.

I AM gratefully receiving __($1000.00)__ from God’s infinite flow of abundance on the return current with the highest good of all concerned.

Once we give our love and appreciation for our Life back to God in the energy of money and claim God’s tenfold return flow of abundance, it is important for us to consciously expect to receive an increase of money. We must not limit God by trying to figure out where the money will come from; we just need to be open and receptive to every single avenue of return.

Every time we receive unexpected money or someone buys something for us or pays for something that we thought we were going to have to pay for ourselves, we should accept that is God’s abundance flowing back into our lives. If things we need are on sale or if our bills are less than we thought they were going to be, that is our gift of money coming back to us. If someone gives us an item that we thought we were going to have to purchase or we get a raise or a higher paying job, we are receiving God’s abundance. If someone finally pays an old debt that we thought was lost forever or we receive a bigger refund than we were expecting on our income tax return, we should acknowledge the money is part of our returning abundance.

As we participate in giving and receiving our money in love and appreciation for our gift of Life, God’s abundance becomes an ever-present state of Being and tangible presence in our lives. The more we fulfill our original agreement with God and balance our gift of Life by adding to the Light of the world through our thoughts, words, feelings, actions, and money the sooner we will be financially free.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purposea
501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

111 Confirmation

Prayer and fasting heals just about anything in a few short days
It's a strange predilection of mankind that we look for confirmation for our aliments. We look to see what happened to everybody else who has experienced similar symptoms to ours, and in doing so, we do ourselves a great disservice. What many people don't realize is that just because somebody else developed a chronic condition after showing similar symptoms to ours doesn't mean that we will do the same.We are all dealing with toxic thoughts, substances, and experiences in our world that may or may not present us with short term aches, pains, bumps, zits, and so forth. It's a part of life nowadays. What we oftentimes forget is that a great many of the things we think we have "wrong" with us are only temporary. They'll go away by themselves in a short time if we leave them alone. Oh sure, sometimes we'll need to adjust our diet or our work habits for awhile, and that is natural.But it's unnatural for us to look too deeply for confirmation for the causes for our aliments. In fact, we put ourselves in harm's way when we delve too deeply, parading every disease imaginable before us, in our quest to find out the cause of an ache or pain. We tend to make things chronic that would have only been temporary. You see people do this all the time. They'll get a new bump somewhere on their body and begin to mull over all the reasons as to how it could possibly have gotten there. They'll check out magazines, talk to friends, and have doctors run test after test as they seach frantically to find out what happened to others who also had similar bumps. In order to validate their own theories (which are growing rapidly now), they'll even resort to looking for coincidences. For example, while walking through a popular coffee shop, they might notice a newspaper sitting on a table with an article in it that describes what happened to a person who had a similar bump - and lo and behold, they treat this as a confirmation for their own condition, and thus make it worse.Fortunately, there are a couple of good antidotes for the toxicity in our world today. First, we can always remind ourself that we are creating whatever we put our attention on, and that when we dig too deeply in search of explanations for our aches and pains, we run the risk of bringing other possibilities into the picture that have nothing to do with our original situation. Instead, we can tell ourself that we are fine and that we do not choose to use our body to act out any sickness scenarios. According to the Law, as we envision ourselves being happy, healthy, and whole, that is what we will create.And second, we can trust that whatever is bothering us is only temporary and will go away on it's own very soon. The shamans and medicine men of old knew that prayer and fasting healed almost everything in a few days. It could be that instead of spending our precious energy in search of confirmation for what ails us, we could stop eating or begin a Master Cleanse, retire into a quiet place where we can be alone for awhile, and ask God to help us. Please understand that we are not saying there is anything wrong with going to a medical practitioner. If you believe that a doctor will help you, then, by all means, that is the route for you to follow. Likewise, if you have a broken bone or need a cut stitched up, then doctors are the experts and can be of great help. But when it comes to diagnosing sicknesses, it's a guessing game and we are still in the medical dark ages. It's easy to come out of a hospital or doctor's office nowadays feeling worse than when you went in. On the other hand, if you can bring yourself to believe in it, you have a just as good or better chance of getting rid of your health challenges through prayer and fasting than by all the remedies prescribed by the credentialed medical establishment. That's a universal fact.
My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am purifying my body every-so-often through prayer and fasting.

~The Intenders Bridge~

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Appreciating What Is

Enjoying Your Age
In each stage of life, there are wonderful experiences one can savor and valuable insights one can absorb. Every new decade and, in fact, every new year brings with it wisdom, transformation, and growth, as well as ends and beginnings. Many people, however, believe that there is one age that eclipses the others. They expend energy trying to reach it and, once it has passed, trying to retain it. But wishing to be younger or older is a denial of the joys that have been and the joys yet to be, as well as the beauty of your life in the present. Holding on to one age can make it difficult to appreciate each new milestone you reach. Taking pleasure in the delights of your age, whether you are in your 20s, 40s, 60s, or 80s, can help you see the magnificence and usefulness of the complex seasons of your life. Each new year gifted to us by the universe is replete with exciting and unfamiliar experiences. In our 20s, we can embrace the energy of youth and the learning process, knowing it’s okay to not have all the answers. As we move through our third decade, we grow more self-assured as the confusion of our young adulthood melts away. We can honor these years by putting aside our fears of aging and concentrating instead on solidifying our values and enjoying our growing emotional maturity. In our 40s, we become conscious of the wisdom we have attained through life experience and are blessed with the ability to put it to good use. We are not afraid to explore unfamiliar territory or to change. In our 50s, we tend to have successfully navigated our midlife reevaluations and have prioritized our lives. In the decades beyond, we discover a greater sense of freedom than we have ever known and can truly enjoy the memory of all we’ve seen and done. Try to enjoy the age you are at now, for each age presents its own unique wisdom to savor.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Get in the Void

A while back I wrote about how "dis-connected" I've been feeling for quite some time. Part of this feeling included doubting my abilities, doubting my life's purpose/soul path and feeling alone and uncertain about my future. I didn't realize that this is a sign of an upcoming shift or that a shift is happening within and around me. I, and many others experiencing this, are shedding our "old selves" making way for our "new or re-born" selves" to emerge. This must happen in order to prepare us for our next journey, whatever that journey may be. So it truly is a time for rejoicing.
It is good to release any resistance we may be feeling and become an observer instead. It's when we try to hold on to those things that are no longer serving us or keeping us from evolving, that we bring on pain and suffering. So let go, sit down, take a deep breath and enjoy the ride! Life really is exciting when we get out of our way.

"In the world of the mind we may change and evolve, but the "real" us is eternal and unchanging". ~Crystal Skull Message "The Void"~

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Creating What We Don't Want

Creating What We Don’t WantWhen Worry becomes A Prayer
If prayer is an intention that we announce to the universe in order to create a desired outcome, then our every thought is a prayer. This includes thoughts of worry as well as of hope. All thoughts are subtle creative energy. Some thoughts are more focused or repeated more often, gathering strength. Some are written down or spoken, giving them even greater power. Every thought we have is part of a process whereby we cocreate our experience and our reality with the universe. When we use our creative energy unconsciously, we create what is commonly known as self-fulfilling prophecy. In essence, when we worry, we are repeatedly praying and lending our energy to the creation of something we don’t want. The good news is that we can retrain our minds and thoughts to focus our energy on what we do desire to bring into our lives. Since most worry is repetitive, it will take more than one positive thought to counteract the energy we’ve created. The simplest antidote to worry is affirmations. When we hold these positive thoughts, repeat them often, speak them and write them and refer to them throughout our day, we are using focused energy to create positive results. We can start right away, together: I am a creative being, using my energy to cocreate a wonderful world. I know that I create my experience of life from within, and as I do so, I also create ripples of energy around me that echo into the world. My positive thoughts gather together with the thoughts and prayers of others, and together we create enough positive energy to heal not only our own lives but the world we share. I am grateful for the ability to cocreate good in my life and in the world. A lot of times we have concerned loved ones that worry about us. When this happens they are also sending out a worry prayer to the world. A loving conversation letting them know what is happening is the easiest solution. Also, ask them to send you positive affirmations rather than worry about you. After all, worry doesn’t do them any good either. Explain to them that worry can actually be energetically harmful to you and that wishing good things for you is much more beneficial and much more fun too.

~Daily Om~

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Leaving Hurt Behind

You may find yourself in an irritable mood today yet wholly unable to say why you feel so glum. It may be that you are harboring feelings of resentment directed toward someone in your environment or toward a circumstance beyond your conscious control. However, far from helping you resolve your hurt, these feelings are likely simply serving as fuel for a grumpy and uneasy mood. To cheer yourself up, try taking the time you need to hone in on and address these lingering issues. You may find that once you have determined why you feel low today, it becomes easier and easier to release your negativity and once again achieve a centered state of mind.When feelings of hurt no longer serve any practical purpose in our experience, releasing them into the ether is one of the best ways of setting ourselves free. We embark upon a new phase of our lives when we divest ourselves of emotional baggage because we are then able to employ the energy and brainpower we might otherwise have spent contemplating our pain in other areas of our existence. Whereas our inability to stop internalizing our hurt held us back, our newfound freedom practically propels us forward into the unknown. A fresh outlook on life will almost always inspire us to seek out novel experiences and educate ourselves more thoroughly. As you rid yourself of longstanding resentments today, you will feel an intense lightness of being that compels you to begin a new chapter of your life.

The Daily Om

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Healing Channel

Everyone Can Heal
Touch is the first tool we turn to when confronting pain. We react similarly to a stubbed toe and a broken heart, tenderly grasping the affected area. This need to apply physical contact is part of the innate healing instinct present within each of us. We are all born with the ability to heal ourselves and to heal others. Because healing energy does not come from within but from outside our ourselves, the energy is there for anyone to use, and thus no formal training is required. When you have the intent to heal and love is your only motive, you become a conduit for healing energy. Through the simple laying on of hands, you can direct that universal healing energy in order to comfort those who are experiencing pain or distress.In performing healing energy work, it is imperative that you ground yourself both before you begin and afterward. The illnesses and issues others face can be absorbed into our energy field, and healing can exhaust our own energy reserves. Address the universe directly, stating that you wish to be a one-way channel through which healing energy flows through you and that your energy supply should not be depleted. Next, speak your intention and place your hands on the individual you are endeavoring to heal. Let your intuition guide you to the afflicted area and imagine a healing white light being drawn in through the top of your head and emanating through your hands. The energy will begin to flow once you have made a physical connection, and your touch will help awaken the body’s capacity for self-healing. The afflicted areas of the body, which were initially tense or tight, will relax once imbued with enough healing energy. Not everybody is sensitive to subtle energy, so try n! ot to feel like you aren’t helping if you don’t feel the flow. The work you are doing is indeed helping. Finally, thank the universe. Disconnect yourself from the person being healed by speaking your intention to sever your connection and then wash your hands.Understanding how energy works is less important than consciously choosing to make use of it. Performing a loving healing session on your loved ones can be a wonderfully intimate experience that brings you closer together. And as the rejuvenating healing energy passes through you, it can awaken a profound compassion within you that helps you better understand the interactions between the spiritual, physical, and mental selves.

The Daily Om

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Full Moon Abundance Spell

As we enter into the first Full Moon of Spring in the month of April (4/9) , the first astro sign of the Horoscope (new beginnings), it also falls on a Thursday, otherwise known as Jupiter Day (the planet of abundance). The land, animals, plants & just nature in general become fertile with new birth. Scents, color & chirping pleasureably fill the air and make us feel enlivened and refreshed. This is a time for nurturing our desires and fulfilling our dreams.
The Abundance spell below is to be performed on the Full Moon well before 9:45pm (moon goes v/c at 9:45pm) or after 10pm.

You will need a green, (or white if you don't have green) candle. Don't forget matches & a safe dish to place your candle on.

Consecrate your candle, then take a toothpick or other sharp wooden object and write from top to bottom and in a clockwise motion, your request. Be specific.

Again, moving in a clockwise motion annoint your candle with Prosperity Oil. If you do not have prosperity oil, you can substitute with Bayberry, Rue, Patchouli or Frankencense. And, if you don't have any of these, don't fret, your intention is all that you really need.

Whether you will perform your ritual indoors or outdoors is completely up to you.
Open your circle and begin by facing the North. Invoke & give thanks to the direction of the North & the Keepers of the North & the Element of Earth,
Rotate and face the East, Invoke & give thanks to the direction of the East & the Keepers of the East & the Element of Air
Rotate and face the South, do the same as for the North & East, & calling in the Element of Fire
Rotate and face the West, do the same & calling in the Element of Water

Ask the Directions, Keepers & Elements to provide you with protection, and assistance with your request.

Settle in, take a few slow deep breaths, clear your mind of mundane chatter and focus intently on your request, then light your candle.

With Love & Grattitude call upon Barbelo, the Angel of Abundance for assistance and say the following:

Heavenly Angel Barbelo, I lovingly & humbly ask you for assistance. Please see that my request is carried into the Universe and dispersed amongst the stars, the Ancient Ones & the fibers of All that Is. Then chant the following 3x:

I am one with the Divine Presence.

I am one with abundance & wealth in my conscious & subconscious mind, and my 4-body system.

I am one with ALL things.

It is my inheritance to be joyful, healthy, prosperous, peaceful & successful in all that I do.

Unlimited Prosperity & Abundance flow easily, freely, effortlessly & endlessly to me with excess to spare & excess to share. For my highest good, greatest joy & for the highest good of all.

This I claim 3x3. So be it. So mote it be.

Sit quitely for awhile intently focused on your request, visualizing it coming to fruition. Intuitively, you will know when to close your circle. You can snuff out your candle at this time or allow it to burn completely. Please make sure if you allow your candle to burn through its in a safe place. Any left over wax or wick should be buried in Mother Earth. Always remember when closing to give grattitude to the four Directions, Keepers, Elements, Angels and whomever else you call in for assistance. Stand facing the North and close each Direction in reverse motion. Then give no more thought to your request, but be in a state of faith and knowingness that all things come to pass in Divine order & timing for our highest good & the highest good of all.

Blessings of Abundance & Well-Being to all on this Full Moon of New Beginnings

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Breathing Into Order

Feeling Overwhelmed
Sometimes we may feel like there is just too much we need to do. Feeling overwhelmed may make it seem like the universe is picking on us, but the opposite is true: we are only given what we can handle. Difficult situations are opportunities to be our best selves, hone our skills and rise to the occasion. The best place to start is to take a deep breath. As you do, remind yourself that the universe works in perfect order and therefore you can get everything done that needs to get done. As you exhale, release all the details that you have no control over. The universe with it‘s infinite organizing power will orchestrate the right outcome. Anytime stress begins to creep up, remember to breathe through it with these thoughts.Then, make a list of everything you need to do. Note what needs to be done first, and mark the things others may be able to do for you or with you. Though we often think no one else can do it correctly or well, there are times when it is worth it to exhale, let go of our control, and ask for help from professionals or friends. With the remaining things that feel you must do yourself, take another breath and determine their true importance. Sometimes they are things we’d like to do, but aren’t really necessary. After taking these quick steps, you will find you have a plan laid out, freeing you from frenzied thoughts circling in your head. With calming deep breaths, you are now free to focus more fully on our priorities. Herbal teas or flower remedies along with wise choices about caffeine and food can help keep us from becoming frantic too. But with nothing further from us than our breath, we can breathe in our best intentions and let the rest go with an exhale. Keeping our lives centered and breathing into and through life’s challenges helps us learn what we are truly capable of doing, and we will find we have the ability to rise to any occasion. Remember you aren’t being picked on, and you are never alone.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Looking Within

Your mind will run you around, lifetime after lifetime, until you still it .

The world we live in is but one among an infinite number of realms and realities that are available to us. Joys and wonders abound in places that only become known when we are able to stop the constant onslaught of our egos. Indeed, when we take into consideration the vastness of All That Is, the part of us that is our persona, our ego, is very small, so small in fact as to be almost inconsequential in the great scheme of things. Of course, it would have us thinking otherwise. In seeking constant validation for its own existence, the ego has us telling ourselves that we know better than others, that we're smarter than most everyone else (even if our IQ hovers near dog-level), and that the world would be a marvelous place if others would just follow our lead. In short, our ego is lying to us every step of the way, and it for us to find our way out of the maze of lies so our Spirit can shine forth.That's what's important. Our Spirit calls out for release, for unbounded expression, for love and expansion. While, at the same time, our ego blocks the awakening of our Spirit with its constant distraction into mundane trivialities and survival issues which are, most often, unfounded. Isn't it time that we put the ego in its place? How about, for openers, if we give it the same consideration that we give our body every summer? How about we give it a two week vacation so our Spirit can come out and party for awhile?The destiny of men and women on Earth today is not to be found chasing after the promise of the American Dream. Those of us who grew up in the baby boomer generation have seen the American Dream come and go. It has outlived its usefulness. There was a time when it was very attractive, but it has left many of us feeling empty. One day, we may have been at the top of the material world, enjoying all of its bounty; and, the next day, that bounty could become burdensome or nonexistent, leaving us to wonder why we spent so much time and energy pursuing it.A common thread that runs through the minds of many of us is that there has to be more to life. There has to be something we can do, or someplace we can go, to achieve the lasting happiness that we instinctively know to be ours. Fortunately, there is a place we can go for fulfillment that offers us a vast range of wonderful experiences. This place lies within us - each and every one of us. As we close our eyes and be still for a few moments, sights, sounds, and feelings that were once hidden show themselves to us. We realize that we are more than our body. We are a Being who lives inside our physical body, and this Being continues to exist long after the physical body is gone.As we practice looking within, we find that the Spiritual Being who lives inside us is not encumbered by the manmade rules, contrived scenarios, and survival needs of the physical body. It is unlimited. It can take us to worlds we didn't previously know existed. Suddenly, we discover that the true destiny of man and woman is having free access to higher states of consciousness. We see that our future lies in other realms, other dimensions, other Universes. We feel like a seed which has remained dormant for a long time that has now popped its head above the soil, spread its new leaves out for all the world to see, and is reaching its young branches up to the sky.

From: The Intenders Handbook